Boreout or Burnout? Thriving at Work with Dr. Nicole Tschierske

Dr. Nicole Tschierske  is a scientist and positive psychology coach who helps experts and teams in STEM do better work. Today’s conversation covers Nicole’s story and how she became interested in coaching through her experience of "boreout".

In this episode, we clarify what boreout means, how it’s related to boredom, and how you can use feelings of boredom to your advantage instead of avoiding it with distractions or sinking into inertia. We discuss how you can use nearly any type of feedback to your advantage, and practical tips for communicating for impact and influence, even when that means holding back or instead of holding forth!

2:13 About Nicole

9:07 What is boreout?

16:40 Nicole's experience with boreout

25:00 Boreout warning signs

30:00 Victim vs villain stories

36:37 In praise of boredom

51:30 Getting more value out of feedback

1:05:00 Better communication skills

Resources and podcasts we highlight in this episode

Connect with Access Ideas


Re-reading Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization by Paul Kriwaczek with Lucas Cantor


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